Communication and Political Art


Image obtained via here.

In today’s blog post we will continue to look at political art through a communication lens. Sarah Austin, communication junior and aspiring lawyer, talked about the implications that come with political art.

Austin said that she believes that political art has an importance in the world that we inhabit.

“It enhances the way we communicate our political beliefs and perspectives through different mediums,” Austin said.

When asked how political art utilizes communication Austin responded that political art has boundaries as to when it should be utilized.

“Controversial topics should be strayed from in political art however it might offer new ways to present opinions that others find offensive, or offend people further.”

Austin said that her favorite political art piece is a piece by Shepard Fairey, an artist we talked about earlier on in this blog. The art piece, shown below, is Austin’s favorite because of the distinct color scheme and political influence Fairey puts in his work.


This image was obtained via Pinterest at this link.

When asked if there were any communication theories that she has studied or learned about that relate specifically to political art Austin said that she did have a specific theory in mind.

“Social Learning Theory comes to mind,” Austin said. “I see political opinions expressed through art and pop culture influencing the way I believe and behave pertaining to politics and political views.”

Austin also said that the reciprocity between politics and art is very apparent in the cultural surroundings she has grown up in.

“I grew up in a very culturally diverse city in San Antonio,” Austin said. “And even here in College Station anything can be seen as art- posters all around campus, protests that happen at the university, even lectures can be seen as political. The art that you do see has to be political in some sense because it mimics the world around it.”


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