Art of War: Civilian Influence Pt2


Image via Gilderlehrman: here.

Following the previous post, we will look at another example of the importance of propaganda posters regarding food and the war.

As Gilderlehrman notes, the poster “calls on immigrants to do their part in the war effort. It depicts recent immigrants standing near a sailing ship with the Statue of Liberty and a rainbow stretched across the New York City skyline in the background.”

Gilderlehrman also touches on what we looked at in the previous post (the importance of corn) by stating, “Though this poster focuses on the conservation of wheat, other food categories such as corn, barley, meat, and vegetables were no less important. In order to effectively reach immigrant populations, the poster was also produced in Yiddish, Italian, Spanish, and Hungarian. Using the incentives of price and patriotism, the United States was successful in its mission to feed the Allies.”

Thus we see that through political art nations were able to communicate, plan, and conserve in a coherent manner and method than they would have been able to without this propaganda poster.

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